As stated earlier, lean is all about flow and rapid communication. We learned in Teaming with Success that barriers do exist and they attempt to defeat the daily good communication and decision making we need to succeed with lean.
Many of these barriers to success are self-imposed by the way we have designed our work-space, what we have chosen to store there, and how well we have provided for the visual communication channels necessary to transmit and receive information cues between team members.
When we clutter up our work environment, we clutter up our visual communication. We slow down the process as we hunt and peck for that oh so needed stapler!
The introduction to 5-S bonus presentation provides some fun ways to look at our work space and bring to our attention the clutter and debris that we step over every day and have become so accustomed to it that we don’t even see it anymore.
The Deluxe and Deluxe-Plus kits and the Grand Simulation Package each contain bonus presentations on Visual Systems, Visual Communication and 5-S Techniques that form the basis for visual control.
To more fully explore the 5-S principles and experience a unique training event - see the 5-S Game Set.
LeanMan Grand Car Factory Simulation
Deluxe Double Car Factory Simulation
Deluxe Car Factory Simulation