Large Group Simulation

2-Step or 4-Step  Large Group Simulation.

This presentation event is obtained as an optional purchase for use with multiple Car Factory Kits. The 4-step simulation is designed to train large, but variable sized, groups of participants in the four main flow methods. It is perfect for supply chain training seminars or support departments who need to understand the lean concepts and influence their department may have on the success of the value stream.


The team set up is variable between 5 and 13 people each with hands-on participation for each Car Factory Kit used. Additional process points for head light and tail light assembly are added to the simulation using stick-on red and yellow dots.


The 84-page facilitator guide allows up to three Car Factory Kits to be run simultaneously for a maximum of 39 participants with hands-on time accommodated. A single facilitator can easily control the teams, provided the participant placemats located on the USB drive are printed and distributed. However, at least one helper is recommended with group size over 20.


Kits are sold separately. Requires one Deluxe -Level Kit minimum, and can support up to two additional Companion  or Basic Kits.  That is a total of three Car Factory Kits in some combination. See Compatible Products for a selection of options.

Note: The Large Group Simulation presentation files and printable materials are included on the Grand Simulation Package USB drive.


Event time is approximately 30 minutes per simulation run. The simple version uses event #1 and #4 for a time of one hour plus additional time for presentations, if any are used. If all 4 runs are used, allow at least two hours plus any presentation time. Room size should be large training room or conference center with table space for each participant.

Products Compatible With This Simulation

    Deluxe Car Factory Simulation
    Deluxe Car Factory Simulation
    • The Deluxe Car Kit presents the five principles of Lean Manufacturing through comprehensive lecture presentations and hands-on simulations. 

      LeanMan Grand Car Factory Simulation
      LeanMan Grand Car Factory Simulation
      • The LeanMan Grand Simulation Package is a reduced cost bundle of the Deluxe Car Factory Simulation, the VSM, the Kanban and the Heijunka events packaged into two double-deep containers.