Please Note: The LeanMan office will be closed from January 27 until March 3rd. Orders placed during that time will ship on March 3rd. Any Credit Card difficulties will need to be cleared after March 3rd. Thank You.

Suggested Simulation Events

The LeanMan Car Factory Kits and support training products include several simulation events which are pre-designed to help you get started training lean principles right out of the box. Several of these simulation events are described in the links below along with their listed Compatible Products, and as you will see, the LeanMan Car Factory is a very powerful tool which provides you the ability to create custom training formats tailored to suit your students’ specific needs.

SimulationTarget AudienceGroup SizeDurationSteps
Learning to See the WasteExecutives, Supply Chain, Support Depts5-8100 min.2
Car Factory SimulationMid-Level Management, Shop workers5-8100 min.4
Large Group SimulationLarge Audiences5-3960-150 min.2 or 4
TPS SimulationMid-Level Management, Shop8-12110 min.5
VSM SimulationSupply Chain, Mid-Level Mgmt, Purchasing, Planning, Shop11-15280 min / Continuous Loop9
Heijunka SimulationMid-Level Mgmt, Planning, Shop8-12190 min.3
VSMgt Service & Repair CenterOffice and Administration, Supervisors, Shop9-12140 min.3
Kanban SimulationAll levels, from executive to shop operator, supply chain.8-12260 min.4
5-S SimulationMid-Level Mgmt, Shop8-127 hrs.5
OPT Factory Simulationlow to mid level production people12-158 hrs.14
Ultimate Factory SimulationMid-Level Mgmt, Shop Workers8-127+ hours4