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Deluxe Double Car Factory Simulation



The Deluxe Double Car Factory Kit includes a standard Deluxe and Companion Car Factory Kit plus bonus features. 

Package Contents:

The Deluxe Kit and The Companion Kit each contain over 300 parts, packaged in two durable containers with a Polycarbonate covers that latch securely to hold the materials for travel. Approximate dimensions of each kit is 16"x13”x2”. All PowerPoint, WORD, Visio and Excel Files, if used, are provided on USB Drive for your review and to print as needed to supplement your training requirements, in addition to the preprinted materials included in the package.

The Deluxe Double Car Kit package includes all of the same presentation and laminated placemats, and bonus materials as the Deluxe Car Factory and the Companion Car Factory Kits. Includes a second TPS laminated placemat set, and 20 more 8-Waste wallet cards.

Deluxe Double Car Factory Simulation

Double Deluxe Kit

Includes the Deluxe Car Factory Kit and The Companion Car Factory Kit at a reduced price, saving you about $120.00. [see Reference 2022 Sales Price Comparison (PDF).] The Deluxe Double is perfect for larger groups of participants where running two teams in competition is an excellent way to stimulate learning. This special offer includes the standard Deluxe Car Factory Simulation Kit and adds a Companion Car Kit to double the number of participants and provide the ability to run two teams in competition for some fun and comparison metrics. Plus, as an added feature, you get a second set of TPS Laminates, and a second 20 pc set of  8-waste cards.

Deluxe Simulation

The Deluxe Kit includes the advanced 6-exercise TPS simulation event with Financial Metrics. This set of exercises follows closely the TPS Paper Airplane Simulation, but without all the wasted paper.

The Deluxe Kit also includes the Lean Principles Training Guide: Learning to See the Waste. This Power Point presentation and simulation is perfect for introducing executives and others to the value of lean, the entire presentation and two simulations can be completed in under one hour.

This Deluxe Kit will provide immediate presentation and simulation exercises suitable for all management levels including top management and associates. It then delves deeper into the art of Lean for those associates that require hands-on practical experience. Take a look at the The Deluxe Car Factory Kit - and check out the details and simulations it can perform.

Companion Car Simulation

The Companion is intended as an additional kit to supplement the Deluxe Kit for those who wish to add capacity to the simulation sessions or train multiple teams for a little competitive fun.

The Deluxe Kit comes with a USB drive which holds the files for the training setup guide plus placemat instructions for each simulation, including the standard 4-step flow simulation.

The first event, MRP Batch ‘n Queue, shows the effects of moving large batches of product through several stages.

The second event, adding Continuous Flow push, shows the effects of overproduction which simply means producing more sooner or faster than the next stage requires.

The third event, adding a kanban pull signal to Continuous Flow, begins to coordinate each team member, controls inventory better, and shows where some obvious balance opportunities exist.

The fourth event, adding local control with point-of-use inventory and built in quality, shows the advantage of becoming lean.

The Companion kit includes a set of 8.5 x 5.5 laminated participant placemats for the Executive Level two-event simulation Learning to See the Waste. This short but powerful simulation is a perfect first time event to showcase the power of lean mfg. It packs a real W O W  factor for first time lean participants.

Also take a look at the Companion Car Factory Kit - and check out those details.

All Deluxe and Grand product files are provided on a USB Drive and include additional free bonus presentation materials. These short presentations provide supporting concepts and training necessary to fully implement the lean principles into your organization.

The presentations may be used as is, or edited for your specific training need and audience.

Included files are:

  • The Five Principles of Lean - 8 slides
    This presentation can be used as a baseline for introducing the student to the five principles of lean as outlined in the book: Lean Thinking by James Womack et al. Edit the PowerPoint slides to add focus for your specific training event.

  • 14 Philosophies behind TPS - 15 slides
    Excerpts from The Toyota Way by Jeffrey Liker, this presentation provides the 14 guiding philosophies developed by the Toyoda family and other contributors that are the foundation for the Toyota Production System.

    Note: The concepts and terms presented in The Toyota Way book are the basis for two fun and challenging games available from The LeanMan. See the tab Team Development: TPS ToyodaWay Game Set. 

  • 5-S for Lean - 35 slides
    This presentation can be used as a baseline for a 5-S program. It contains the basics for understanding 5-S and a great starter program to set your workplace in order and prepare it for Lean. Edit the PowerPoint file to suit your needs.

    Note: The concepts and terms of 5-S are the basis for two fun and challenging games available from The LeanMan. See the tab Team Development: 5-S Game Set. 

  • Visual Control for Lean - 13 slides
    This presentation can be used as a baseline for a Visual Control program to provide visual communications in the shop area. Coupled with the 5-S presentation, it sets the stage for powerful and fast team communication so everyone knows what, when, where and how the product flows. Edit the PowerPoint slides to suit your needs.

  • Visual Systems for Lean - 46 slides
    This presentation can be used as an introduction to Visual Systems and 5-S. It focuses on the concepts of seeing new meaning behind everyday sights, and works well to support The LeanMan Learning to See the Waste and The LeanMan Developing Lean Eyes presentations. Edit the PowerPoint slide to add photos from your own workplace.

The LeanMan 26 question Lean Self-Assessment Tool is also provided to help you assess your team's present Lean maturity level and readiness to implement the principles of lean into your organization.

Compatible Simulations

The LeanMan suggests using the Deluxe Double Car Factory Simulation in the following simulations:

Learning to See the Waste

This executive level 2-Step simulation is the simplest event to run but packs a big WOW factor. It requires just one Car Factory Kit per team. Plus, with the laminated participant instruction placemats, it's so easy to perform that single person can easily facilitate five or more teams, making it great for large audiences and conventions.

  • Group Size: 5-8
  • Duration: 100 min.
  • Steps: 2
Car Factory Simulation

This 4-step simulation uses one Car Factory Kit per team, and a single facilitator can easily run 2 or 3 teams in parallel for a little competition and metrics comparison. This simulation event is also provided as an editable set of files on the USB drive that allow customization to the facilitator's specific target training needs.

  • Group Size: 5-8
  • Duration: 100 min.
  • Steps: 4
Large Group Simulation

Purchased as a separate supporting product (it is included in the Grand Package), this simulation is used with multiple Car Factory Kits to expand the event size to accommodate larger groups for an introductory Lean experience. The 4-step simulation is designed as an introduction to Lean for variable sized groups of participants in the four main flow methods.

  • Group Size: 5-39
  • Duration: 60-150 min.
  • Steps: 2 or 4
TPS Simulation

The Toyota Production System (TPS) simulation is a 5-step event which uses the training methods generally recognized as the Toyota method for introducing lean flow. This method focus more on flow and eliminating process waste and less on reducing the number of human elements in the process.

  • Group Size: 8-12
  • Duration: 110 min.
  • Steps: 5